Published: classical musicians on Instagram
What a nice surprise! I had totally forgotten a manuscript that I had submitted to a Taylor & Francis journal in media and cultural studies in 2021. It had been stuck in the peer review…
What a nice surprise! I had totally forgotten a manuscript that I had submitted to a Taylor & Francis journal in media and cultural studies in 2021. It had been stuck in the peer review…
The most recent special issue of Kulttuurintutkimus – Kulturstudier, the leading Finnish multicultural journal in cultural studies that I’m currently an editor-in-chief of, deals with quantification and measurability – it is called “the cultures of…
Cultural journalism has a long tradition in daily newspapers and cultural magazines, but it has been systematically neither produced nor studied in local newspapers. This marked the starting point for a recent study that examined…
During the ongoing academic year 2022–2023, we have experimented with virtual writing retreats at NordMedia Network. The purpose has been to organize half-day writing workshops for Nordic media scholars to offer them a couple of…
Recently, the special issue of the Nordic media studies journal MedieKultur that dealt with “pandemedia”, journalistic reporting during the COVID-19 pandemic, included an article written by me and my Latvian colleague Ilva Skulte, titled Reporting like…
As part of my efforts as co-director of Nordicom, a centre for Nordic media research at the University of Gothenburg, I have been leading the digital community site of NordMedia Network since it was established in…
This year’s first issue of the journal Kulttuurintutkimus (Cultural Studies), which I’m an editor-in-chief of, has been sent for printing (yes, it is still published as a printed journal, along with the digital open access…
Recently, some colleagues of mine discussed the preconditions of academic publishing in Finnish in the programme Apinalaatikko at the local radio station Moreeni. This has been a topical issue to me lately too, as I have been…
There are many convincing reasons for why academics should blog (you can see some arguments here, here and here), tweet (see here, here and here), be available at LinkedIn (here, here and here), or, or…