
Courses at the university

I have worked as a lecturer and senior lecturer in journalism at universities in Finland in 2006–2019. Here are some examples of curriculum-based academic courses that I have been in charge of and taught a number of times in Bachelor’s and Master’s study programmes:

  • Lehti- ja verkkojournalismi (Print and online journalism, 5 ECTS), 2006–2014
  • Toimitustyö (Editorial work, 4 ECTS), 2007–2008
  • Toimitustyön johtaminen (Journalistic management and leadership, 5 ECTS), 2011–2015
  • Journalismin käytännöt (Journalistic practices, 2 ECTS), 2010
  • Journalismin lajit (Genres and forms of journalism, 4 ECTS), 2007 and 2009
  • Multicultural Relationships with Media and Citizenship (5 ECTS), 2013–2014
  • Medialukutaito ja uudet lukutaidot (Media literacy and new literacies, 5 ECTS), 2010, 2011 and 2012

I have also organized the following regular courses for doctoral students in media, journalism and communication studies in the Nordic and Baltic countries:

  • The NordMedia pre-conference for doctoral students in the Nordics, 2022– (offered by Nordicom), organized virtually in 2021 (because of the COVID-19 pandemic), in Bergen in 2023 and in Odense in 2025 
  • Masterclass in academic writing and publishing in cultural studies in Tampere, Finland, 2024– (offered by the Society of Cultural Studies in Finland)
  • The Baltic summer school on cultural journalism, 2014–2019 (offered by Riga Stradins University), organized in Riga and Cesis

Courses as a visiting lecturer

Besides single lectures that I give on a regular basis responding to invitations from universities from different parts of the world, I have given courses as a visiting lecturer at different universities and academic educational institutions. Examples of courses include the following:

  • Spring courses for Finnish and Swedish journalism students: Journalistik om arkitektur och stadsplanering (2025), EU-valet och unga (2024), Energijournalistik (2023), Östersjön – intensivkurs i miljö- och vetenskapsjournalistik (2022, postponed from 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic), EU-valet – intensivkurs i utrikesjournalistik i europeisk kontext (2019), Uppdrag: Ryssland – intensivkurs i grävande journalistik och faktagranskning (2018), as part of the course programme by the cultural centre Hanaholmen – Kulturcentrum för Sverige och Finland, 2018–2025
  • Contemporary problems in journalism, Riga Stradins University, Department of Communications, 2015
  • Jokapaikan journalismia: arkkitehtuuriviestintä mobiiliympäristöissä (Ubiquitous journalism: Architectural communication in mobile environments, 5 ECTS), Tampere University of Technology, Department of Architecture, co-funded by Finnish Association of Architects SAFA, 2013
  • Arkkitehtuuri mediassa (Architecture in the media, 5 ECTS), Tampere University of Technology, Department of Architecture, funded by The Åkerlund Foundation, 2013
  • Introduction to cultural journalism for students in the Music and Media Management programme, Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences, 2010
  • Johdatus kulttuurijournalismiin (Introduction to cultural journalism), Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Art and Design, 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011

Courses in continuing education

I have been active as an educator for teachers and journalists since 2007, having given over a hundred different courses and lecture series in Finland and abroad. Almost all courses were created by myself and adapted to the client’s needs and preferences. An overview over courses given within the Mediaskooppi Network, a media literacy network lead by the youth for professional educator of teachers and adults, can be seen here. Further examples of courses:

  • Sosiaalinen media journalistin työkaluna (Social media as a journalistic tool), for professional journalists, University of Tampere and the Finnish Broadcasting Company YLE, Tampere 2012–2014
  • Mediapedagogiikkaa oppimassa: iPad opetuksessa (Learning media pedagogy: iPads in education), for primary school teachers, Turku, Järvenpää and Tuusula, 2013–2014
  • Oppilaitoksen vastuuhenkilöiden TVT-kehittämisprosessi – ubiikki opetus meillä ja muualla (An ICT development process for school principals – ubiquitous teaching at us and elsewhere), for school principals of member schools of the Opinlakeus network, Seinäjoki 2013–2014
  • Verkkoon, verkkoon! Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka opetuksessa (Online, online! ICT in education), for teachers in folk high schools, Järvenpää 2013–2014
  • Johdon sähköinen viestintä (School principals’ online communication), for school principals, Helsinki, Pori, Salo and Lahti 2012–2014
  • Seuramatka sosiaalisen median maailmaan (A charter trip to the world of social media), an online course for teachers of all grades, Educode and YLE Opettaja-tv 2012

Courses at the upper secondary school

I worked as an upper secondary school (high school) teacher specialized in communications in 2000–2013. Examples of courses:

  • Journalismi I ja II (Journalism I and II), Sampo upper secondary school
  • Radiotyö I, II ja III (Radio work I, II and III), Tampereen yhteiskoulun lukio (TYK)
  • Mediakritiikki (Media criticism), online course for upper secondary schools in Pirkanmaa region
  • Johdatus populaarikulttuuriin (Introduction to popular culture/cultural analysis), Messukylä upper secondary school
  • Tutkielmakurssi (Writing a thesis), a nonstop online course in the basics of scientific writing
  • Johdatus viestinnän teoriaan (Introduction to communication theory), Tampereen yhteiskoulun lukio (TYK)
  • Mediadiplomit (Media diplomas), supervision and evaluation of upper secondary school diplomas by the Finnish National Board of Education

Other courses

I have also worked at folk high schools (e.g. Voionmaan opisto) and as a teacher and coach at a university preparation course centre (Valmennustiimi Eximia), giving several courses in journalism and communication theory and journalistic practice. Additionally, I have delivered tailored courses and couching for companies and associations.

You can receive the link and password to my English and/or Finnish pedagogical portfolio upon request.