
My research interests are located at the intersection of questions of media and journalism, arts and/or culture, and learning. Major lines of research include the studies of cultural production, arts and cultural journalism, journalism education, as well as media literacy and education. Below you can find a list of my scientific publications.

See also my list of publications organised according to publication type. For a selection of materials directed to broader audiences, see the Texts page. Publications by me have also been listed on my profile page at the University of Gothenburg, Google Scholar profile page and in the research portal of Tampere University (selected coverage). If you cannot access an article but would like to read it, please reach out to me for a copy at

Forthcoming publications

(2025, forthcoming). Journalists as media educators: Pedagogies of journalism literacy education. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.

(2025, forthcoming). “Aesthetics of lifestyle journalism.” In: Hanusch, F. (ed.) The Routledge handbook of lifestyle journalism. London: Routledge, 121–135.

(2025, forthcoming). (ed.) Teaching and learning resources for linguistic minorities in Europe. A special issue for the Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe. (Co-edited with B. Straszer.) See the CFP.

(2025, forthcoming). (ed.) Kulttuurintutkimus – Kulturstudier 42:1. A regular issue. Editorial: “Kulttuurintutkimuksellistaminen ja tieteellisen kätilöinnin taito” [“‘Cultural studies-izing’ and the art of being a scientific midwife”].

(2026, forthcoming). (ed.) Suomenkielisyyden kulttuurit Ruotsissa. [The cultures of the Finnish language in Sweden.] A special issue. Kulttuurintutkimus – Kulturstudier 43:1. (Co-edited with. H. Grönstrand.)

Cultural production

(2025). “Learning by sharing in #Langstagram: Formats of learner-generated content by Finnish-language learners on Instagram.” Digital Culture & Education 15:1, 112–131.

(2024). Pedagogical opportunities of the review genre: Learning in cultures of evaluation. London: Routledge.

(2023). “Digital performance at the side stage: The communicative practices of classical musicians and music hobbyists on Instagram.” Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies 37:2, 296–308.

(2023). “Between conspicuous and conscious consumption: The sustainability paradox in the intermediary promotional work of an online lifestyle site.” Journal of Consumer Culture, published online on April 17, 2023. (Co-authored with M.-M. Frig.)

(2022). Reviewing culture online: Post-institutional cultural critique across platforms. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

(2021). “Kirja-arvostelut alustataloudessa: esimerkkinä käyttäjälähtöiset arvostelut Instagramissa.” [Book reviews in platform economy: User-generated reviews on Instagram.] Media & viestintä 44:2, 45–68, special issue on datafication. (Co-authored with T. Räisä.)

(2020). “Young voices, new qualities? Child reviewers as vernacular reviewers of cultural products.” In: Kristensen, Nete Nørgaard & From, Unni & Haastrup, Helle Kannik (eds.) Rethinking cultural critique: New voices in the digital age. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 185–208.

(2020). “Useful creativity: Vernacular reviewing on the video-sharing platform Vimeo.” Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research 12:20, 1–20.

(2019). “Oman lukukokemuksensa visualisoijat: käyttäjälähtöiset kirjallisuusarvostelut Instagramissa.” [Visualizers of their own reading experience: The user-generated literature reviews on Instagram.] Kulttuurintutkimus 36:3, 31–44.

(2019). “From vernacularized commercialism to kidbait: Toy review videos on YouTube and the problematics of the mash-up genre.” Journal of Children and Media 14:2, 237–254.

(2019). “From re-viewers to me-viewers: The #Bookstagram review sphere on Instagram and the uses of the perceived platform and genre affordances.” Interactions: Studies in Communication and Culture 10:1–2, 91–110.

(2018). “Vernacular reviews as a form of co-consumption: The user-generated review videos on YouTube.” MedieKultur: Journal of Media and Communication Research 34:65, 10–30.

(2010). “Ernst Jandl ja kielen vapauttava kosto.” [Ernst Jandl and the liberating revenge of language.] In: Kähkönen, L. & Meretoja, H. (eds.) Muistijälkiä – esseitä saksalaisesta nykykirjallisuudesta. Helsinki: BTJ Finland, 267–279.

Cultural journalism

(2023). ”Community-first criticism: Reviewing of art and culture in local newspapers.” Journalism Studies 24:9, 1214–1236.

(2023). “Yhteisö edellä: Paikallislehtikritiikin haasteet ja mahdollisuudet Suomen arvostelijain liiton lähikritiikkihankkeessa.” [Community first: Challenges and possibilities of local cultural criticism in the Finnish Critics’ Association’s local criticism project.] In: Laczak, R., Rantama, V., & Ylikangas, M. (eds.) Kritiikki näkyy! Helsinki: Suomen arvostelijain liitto SARV, 49–88.

(2023). “Reporting like there was no pandemic: Cultural journalism during the COVID-19 in Finland, Sweden and Latvia.” MedieKultur: Journal of Media and Communication Research 38:73, 28–49. (Co-authored with I. Skulte.)

(2022). “Content analysis of the research field of cultural coverage.” In: Oehmer, F., Kessler, S. H., Humprecht, E., Sommer, K. & Castro Herrero, L. (eds.) Standardized content analysis in communication research: A handbook. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

(2020). “Reimagining the review: Transmedia possibilities of reviewing in daily newspapers in Finland and beyond.” In: Jurado, M. & Peña Acuña, B. (eds.). Periodismo cultural en el siglo XXI (vol. 2): Tendencias transmedia y perfiles profesionales. Madrid: Editorial Universitas, 167–184.

(2018). “Journalistic writing and style.” In: Örnebring, H. (ed.) The Oxford encyclopedia of journalism studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

(2018). “Circuit training in the writing of art reviews: Discovering the built environment in iterative approaches.” In: Jurado, M. & Peña Acuña, B. (eds.). Periodismo cultural en el siglo XXI (vol. 1): contenidos docentes innovadores. Madrid: Editorial Universitas, 303–320.

(2017). “From culture wars to combat games: The differentiation and development of culture departments in Finland.” In: Kristensen, N.N. & Riegert, K. (eds.) Cultural journalism in the Nordic countries. Gothenburg: Nordicom. (Co-authored with H. Hellman and R. Salokangas.)

(2015). “Liquid modern journalism with a difference: The changing professional ethos of cultural journalism.” Journalism Practice 9:6, 811–828. (Co-authored with H. Hellman, K. Koljonen and J. Väliverronen.)

(2015). The contested autonomy of arts and journalism: Change and continuity of the dual professionalism of cultural journalism. Acta Universitatis Tamperensis 2072. Doctoral thesis in Journalism. Tampere: Tampere University Press.

(2015). “Outsourcing views, developing news: Changes in art criticism in Finnish dailies, 1978–2008.” Journalism Studies 16:3,383–402.

(2015). “Witnesses of a cultural crisis: Representations of media-related metaprocesses as professional metacriticism of arts and cultural journalism.” International Journal of Cultural Studies 18:5, 537–554.

(2013). “Diversity through dualism: The balancing principle as an organizational strategy in culture departments of newspapers.” Nordicom Review 34:(Special issue December), 89–98.

(2013). “Taidekritiikin muutos suomalaisissa sanomalehdissä 1978–2008.” [The change of arts criticism in the Finnish press 1978–2008.] Kulttuurintutkimus 30:4, 31–45.

(2012). “Promoting aesthetic tourism: Transgressions between the generalist and the specialist subfields in cultural journalism.” Journalism Practice 6:4, 482–496.

(2012). “From aesthetes to reporters: The paradigm shift in arts journalism in Finland.” Journalism: Theory, practice and criticism 13:8, 1–19. (Co-authored with H. Hellman.)

(2012). “Pohjoismaisia avauksia kulttuurijournalismin tutkimukseen.” [Nordic openings to the study of cultural journalism.] Media & viestintä 35:4, 137–151.

(2010). “Uutisia taiteesta – vaikka väkisin? Katsaus kulttuurijournalismin kriisikeskusteluun.” [News on arts – like it or not? A review of the crisis debate on cultural journalism.] Journalismikritiikin vuosikirja 2010, Media & viestintä 33:1, 127–132.

(2009). “Kulttuuritoimitus uutisopissa: Kulttuurijournalismin muutos Helsingin Sanomissa 1978–2008.” [Culture department in news apprenticeship: The change of cultural journalism in Helsingin Sanomat, 1978–2008.] Media & viestintä 32:4–5, 24–42. (Co-authored with H. Hellman.)

Journalism education

(2024). “Investigating notions of climate change in Nordic journalism education.” Journalism Education 13:2, 15–35. (Co-authored with L. Weldingh, G. Borgen-Eide, H. Bødker and K. Riegert.) 

(2023). (ed.) Reporting on artificial intelligence: A handbook for journalism educators. Paris: UNESCO.

In Russian: (2023). Освещение тематики искусственного интеллекта: Пособие для преподавателей журналистики. Париж: ЮНЕСКО.

In Albanian: (2024). Doracak për Edukatorët e Gazetarisë: Raportimi mbi Inteligjencën Artificiale. Skopje: UNESCO.

In Macedonian: (2024). Прирачник за Едукатори по Новинарство: Известување за Вештачка Интелигенција. Скопје: УНЕСКО.

In Montenegrin (Serbo-Croatian): (2024). Izvještavanje o vještačkoj inteligenciji: Priručnik za nastavnike novinarstva. Pariz: UNESCO.

In Arabic: (2024). ــلمعلمي الصحافةمعلمي الصحافةتـقــــريـرحول الــذكــاءالاصــطــنـاعــي

In Portuguese: (2024). Reportagens sobre inteligência artificial: Um manual para educadores de jornalismo. Brasil: UNESCO.

(2022). “Exploring the normative foundation of journalism education: Nordic journalism educators’ conceptions of future journalism and professional qualifications.” Journalism and Media 3:3, 436–452. (Co-authored with P. Uotila.)

(2020). “The literary construction of journalism education: A review of the course literature in the Nordic academic Bachelor’s programmes.” Journalism Practice 14:1, 84–103(Co-authored with P. Uotila.)

(2019). “Finland: Two academic paths into journalism – the dual model of academic journalism education.” In: Nowak, E. (ed.) Accreditation and assessment of journalism education in Europe. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag, 13–32.

(2019). “The boundaries of belonging: Journalist interns’ workplace learning experiences across communities of practice.” Journalism Education 8:1, 27–39.

(2019). “The heterogeneity of the Nordic journalism education: The ’academic’ and the ’professional’ in the Bachelor’s curricula.” The Journal of Applied Journalism and Media Studies 8:1, 3–24.

(2018). “S(t)imulating journalism in the classroom: A structured comparison of the design of pedagogical newsrooms in Nordic academic journalism training.” Journalism and Mass Communication Educator 73:2, 182–199.

(2016). “More mobile, more flexible: Students’ device ownership and cross-media news consumption, and their pedagogical implications.” In: Hovden, J.F. & Nygren, G. (eds.) Making journalists through journalism education: Nordic perspectives. Gothenburg: Nordicom. (Co-authored with E. Eliasson.)

(2016). “Stable professional ideals, growing criticism towards journalistic practice: Finnish journalism students’ perceptions about the profession.” In: Hovden, J.F. & Nygren, G. (eds.) Making journalists through journalism education: Nordic perspectives. Gothenburg: Nordicom. (Co-authored with H. Zilliacus-Tikkanen and J. Hujanen.)

(2014). “Dismantling the ‘crisis’ of journalism: Outline of an analytical approach.” Teaching Journalism & Mass Communication 4:2, 1–14.

(2013). “Vastakaikua visertäen: Twitter-osallistuminen toimittajaharjoittelijoiden oppimisyhteisön laajentajana.” [Resonance through tweeting: Twitter engagement as an extension of journalist interns’ learning community.] In: Joutsenvirta, T. & Myyry, L. (eds.) Sulautuva opetus ja oppiminen – luokkahuoneista verkkoon. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 71–79.

Media literacy and education

(2025). “Analysing journalism diet through sentiments: A pedagogical approach to entangle the role of emotions in news literacy education.” The Journal of Media Literacy, Conference Reflections Issue, 1.1.2025.

(2024). ”’Tuotan sen itse, sen punaisen langan’: Suomen kielen oppimateriaalien tuotanto ja käyttö Ruotsissa opettajien kokemina.” [“I produce it by myself, that red thread”: The production and uses of Finnish-language learning materials in Sweden, experienced by teachers.] Kieli, koulutus ja yhteiskunta 15:3.

(2023). Media and information literacy for the public good: UNESCO MILID yearbook 2023. Bogotá: Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios UNIMINUTO. (Co-edited with T. Durán-Becerra and O. B. Onyancha.) See the CFP.

(2023). “Capturing the contours of the field of media and information literacy (MIL) research: A systematic literature review of studies conducted at Swedish universities in 2021.” In: Jaakkola, M., Durán-Becerra, T., & Onyancha, O. B. (eds.) Media and information literacy for the public good: UNESCO MILID yearbook 2023. Bogotá: Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios UNIMINUTO, 159–190. 

(2022). Forskning inom medie- och informationskunnighet (MIK): En översikt över 2021. [Research within media and information literacy (MIL): An overview of 2021.] Gothenburg: Akademiskt forum för MIK-forskning, NordMedia Network.

(2022). “Child-centred qualitative interview.” In: Kotilainen, S. (ed.) Methods in practice: Studying children and youth online. Tampere: Tampere University & Children Online: Research and Evidence (CO:RE).

(2022). “Public service television as education: Factual programmes and the media and information literacy (MIL) policy discourse.” VIEW: Journal of European Television History & Culture 11:21. (Co-authored with M. Mykkänen.)

(2022). “Domesticating space: Media production pedagogy for the empowerment of marginalized youth.” Journal of Media Literacy Education, published online before print. (Co-authored with L. Sternö and E. Fryk.)

(2021). (ed.) MIL cities and MIL citizens: Informed, engaged, empowered by media and information literacy (MIL). MILID Yearbook 2021. Bogotá: Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios UNIMINUTO. (Co-edited with A. Grizzle and T. Durán-Becerra.) 

(2021). Media and information literate citizens: Think critically, click wisely! Media & information literacy curriculum for educators and learners. Paris: UNESCO. (Co-authored with A. Grizzle, C. Wilson, C.K. Cheung, R. Tuazon, J. Lau, D. Gordon, R. Fischer, K. Akyempong, J. Singh, K. Stewart, P.R. Carr, S. Tayie, O. Suraj, G. Thésée, N. Shiel-Rolle and C. Gulston; edited by A. Grizzle, C. Wilson and D. Gordon.)

In Russian: (2022). Медийно и информационно грамотные граждане: Мыслите критически, кликайте с умом! 

In Turkish: (2022). Medya ve bilgi okuryazari vatandaşlar: Eleştirel düşün, akillica tikla! 

In Arabic: (2023). الدراية الإعلامية والمعلوماتية للمواطنين

In French: (2023). Citoyens éduqués aux médias et à l’information: Penser de manière critique, cliquer à bon escient! 

In Spanish: (2023). Ciudadanía alfabetizada en medios e información: Pensar críticamente, hacer clic sabiamente!

(2020). “Journalists as media educators: Journalistic media education as inclusive boundary work.” Journalism Practice, 16:6, 1265–1285.

(2020). “Media and information literacy research in the countries around the Baltic Sea.” Central European Journal of Communication 13:2, 146–161. Editor’s introduction in the special issue “Advancing media and information literacy research in the Baltic Sea region”.

(2020). “Media re-education and the need to be constantly updated.” Central European Journal of Communication 13:2, 146–161. (Co-authored with G. Ptaszek.)

(2020). (ed.) Advancing media and information literacy research in the Baltic Sea region. Central European Journal of Communication 13:2, guest-edited special issue. (Co-edited with A. Stepinska.)

(2018). “Finland: en lång tradition av mediefostran.” In: Carlsson, U. (ed.) Medie- och informationskunnighet i den digitala tidsåldern – en demokratifråga: kartläggning, analyser, reflektioner. Göteborg: Nordicom, 187–198.

(2018). “Voicing the young people’s perspective: Media influencing as a form of collaboration between youth work and professional media organizations.” In: Andersson, Y., Dahlquist, U. & Ohlsson, J. (eds.) Youth and news in a digital media environment – Nordic and Baltic perspectives. Nordicom: Gothenburg, 67–78.

(2015). “More than hitting the ‘publish’ button: A pedagogical framework for supporting learners’ critical relationship with publishing media work.” Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy 15:4, 212–228.

(2015). “Teacher heutagogy in the network society: A framework for critical reflection.” In: Jandric, P. & Boras, D. (eds.) Critical learning in digital networks. New York: Springer, 163–178.

(2015). “School-context videos in Janus-faced online publicity: Learner-generated digital video production going online.” Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 59:3, 255–274. (Co-authored with L. Palmgren-Neuvonen and R.-L. Korkeamäki.)

(2012). “Opettajan sosiaalisen median opetuskäytön osaaminen.” [The teacher’s social media competence.] Kasvatus 43:3, 298–305.

(2010). “Uuden julkisuuden sääntöjä luomassa: keskustelevat vuorovaikutussuhteet keinona sukupolvien välisen digitaalisen kuilun kaventamiseen.” [Creating rules for the new publicity: Dialogical interaction relationships as a means of briding the digital gap between generations.] In: Meriranta, M. (ed.) Mediakasvatuksen käsikirja. Kuopio: UNIpress, 37–62.

Edited journal issues

(2024). (ed.) The digital life of young people in the Nordics. A special issue for the journal Nordisk tidsskrift for ungdomsforskning – Nordic Journal for Youth Research 2:2024. Editorial: “Living meaningful life with screens: Leveraging young people’s voice in the debates on digital media uses.” (Co-edited with S. Gurdal and L. Andersson.) See the CFP.

(2024). (ed.) Kulttuurintutkimus – Kulturstudier 41:3. A regular issue. Editorial: “Suomen kieli on tieteen kieli myös Ruotsissa.” [Finnish is the language of science in Sweden, too.]

(2024) (ed.) Kulttuurintutkimus – Kulturstudier 41:2. A regular issue. Editorial: “Tarvitsemme tilastojen luomaa tietopohjaa.” [We need the knowledge base created by statistics.]

(2023). (ed.) Kulttuurintutkimus – Kulturstudier 40:4. A regular issue. (Co-editor: O. Autti.) Editorial: “Kohti keski-iän juhlaa.” [Towards the celebrations of the middle age.]

(2023). (ed.) Kulttuurintutkimus – Kulturstudier 40:3. A regular issue. (Co-editor: O. Autti.) Editorial: “Kannattaako tiedevilpistä ilmoittaa?” [Does it pay off to report research misconduct?]

(2023). (ed.) Kulttuurintutkimus – Kulturstudier 40:2: Mittaamisen kulttuurit. [Cultures of measurement.] A special issue. (Co-editors: S. Lappalainen and M. Korhonen.) Editorial: “Mittaamisen mitta.” [The measure of the measurement.]

(2023). (ed.) Kulttuurintutkimus – Kulturstudier 40:1. A regular issue. (Co-editor: O. Autti.) Editorial: “Määräaikaisen tutkijan päivä.” [The day of a fixed-term researcher.]

(2022). (ed.) Kulttuurintutkimus – Kulturstudier 39:3. A regular issue. (Co-editor: O. Autti.) Editorial: “Riittääkö enää pelkkä tutkimuksen julkaiseminen?” [Is publishing research enough anymore?]

(2020). (ed.) Central European Journal of Communication 13:2: Advancing media and information literacy research in the Baltic Sea region. A special issue. (Co-editor: A. Stepinska.) Editorial: “Media and information literacy research in the countries around the Baltic Sea.”

(2018). (ed.) Nordicom Information 40:2: Norden inifrån och utifrån – The Nordics from within and without. A thematic issue. The last issue in the journal’s history. (Assistant editor: C. Bucht.) Editorial: “Vem tillhör Norden?” [Who belongs to the Nordics?]

(2018). (ed.) Nordicom Information 40:1: Öppenhet i kommunikation – Openness in communication. A thematic issue. (Assistant editor: B. Holm.) Editorial: “Öppenhet – ett krävande begrepp.” [Openness – a demanding concept.]

(2017). (ed.) Nordicom Information 39:2: Video(kultur) – Video (culture). A thematic issue. (Assistant editor: B. Holm.) Editorial: “I Googles galax är vi alla medieproducenter.” [In Google’s galaxy we are all media producers.]

(2017). (ed.) Nordicom Information 39:1: Medieforskning i samhället – Media research in society. A thematic issue. (Assistant editor: R. Mølster.) Editorial: “Elfenbenstorn under ombyggnad.” [Ivory tower under reconstruction.]

(2016). (ed.) Nordicom Information 38:2: Digitalt berättande – Digital storytelling. A thematic issue. (Co-edited with I. Wadbring; assistant editor: R. Mølster.) Editorial: “De tusen skärmarnas tidsålder.” [The era of thousand screens.]

(2008) (ed.). Journalismikritiikin vuosikirja 2008.  [The yearbook of journalism criticism 2008.] (Tiedotustutkimus 2:2008.) Tampere: Tiedotusopillinen yhdistys. Editorial: “Toimittaja, sittenkin inhimillinen olento?” [Journalist, a human being, after all?]


(2024). AI-journalistik: Artificiell intelligens och algoritmer på redaktionen [AI journalism: Artificial intelligence and algorithms in the newsroom]. Lund: Studentlitteratur. (Co-authored with J. Wiik.)

(2024). Academic AI literacy: Artificial intelligence in scholarly writing, editing, and publishing. NordMedia Network Online Educational Resources. Gothenburg: Nordicom.

(2022). Joining the scholarly conversation: The basics of writing an academic book review. NordMedia Network Online Educational Resources. Gothenburg: Nordicom.

(2016). Jukola – suomen kieli ja kirjallisuus: Tekstit ja vuorovaikutus. Helsinki: SanomaPro. [Jukola – Finnish language and literature: Texts and interaction. A textbook in the Finnish language and literature for the upper secondary school.] (Co-authored with J. Karhumäki, E. Kouki and A.-M. Varjonen.)

(2013). Hyvä journalismi: käytännön opas kirjoittajalle. [Good journalism: A practical guidebook for the writer.] Helsinki: Kansanvalistusseura.

Academic book reviews

(2017). “Gränsöverskridande om den norska litteraturkritikens historia.” Norsk medietidskrift 24:4, 1–4. [Across boundaries on the history of the Norwegian literary criticism.] A book review on Norsk litteraturkritikks historie 1870–2010, ed. by Sissel Furuseth et al., Universitetsforlaget 2016.

(2017). “Enterprising initiatives in the experience economy.” MedieKultur – Journal of Media and Communication Research 61:1, 134–137. A book review on Enterprising initiatives in the experience economy, ed. by Britta Timm Knudsen et al., Routledge 2015.

(2017). “In search of the signature pedagogies for cultural studies.” IAFOR Journal of Cultural Studies 2:2, 107–109. A book review on The pedagogies of cultural studies, ed. by Andrew Hickey, Routledge 2016.

(2010). “Lasten mediakulttuuri ja aikuisten tolkullistamisen tarve.” Kasvatus 41:2, 199–201. [Children’s media culture and the adults’ need to make sense.] A book review on Lasten mediakulttuuri ja koulu vuoropuheluun by Kirsi Pohjola and Elina Johnson, University of Jyväskylä 2009.

(2009). “Mediasuhteet mediakasvatuksen kompassina.” Kasvatus 40:4, 379–381. [Media relations as a compass for media education.] A book review on Suhteissa mediaan by Sirkku Kotilainen, University of Jyväskylä 2009.