I’m regularly producing and hosting webinars, virtual panel discussions and workshops, of which some are listed below. Below you can also see some of the keynote talks at online and onsite events that I have delivered during the past years, as well as conference presentations and lectures. If you are interested in collaborating on a virtual or physical event that deals with media, journalism, media literacy or digital cultures, please mail me.
Webinars and online conferences
Vähemmistötutkija – osallinen vai sivustaseuraaja? [Minority researcher – an activist or observer?], a virtual panel discussion at The Night of Science, Helsinki 9.1.2025 (host, producer)
Developing digital literacies in algorithmic cultures, an ECREA 2024 post-conference webinar organized by the TWG Media Literacies and Communication Competencies in collaboration with the North American and European regional chapter of the UNESCO MIL Alliance, 22 October 2024 (host, producer)
A special issue! New research from the Nordics, a montly-based series of 45-minute morning webinars featuring newly published special issues of scientific journals in the Nordic countries in the field of media and communication research, featuring the journals MedieKultur, Nordic Journal of Youth Studies, Polis, and Kulttuurintutkimus, September 2024–January 2025 (host, producer)
Youth powering media and information literacy responses to the use of generative AI, a youth debate series organized by UNESCO, 29 May 2024 (host)
Nuoriso tutkimuksen kuvassa – tieteellinen lukupiiri [Young people pictured in research – a scientific reading circle], a virtual multidisciplinary reading circle and an accompanying podcast series by the Finnish scientific journals Aikuiskasvatus, Alue & ympäristö, Kulttuurintutkimus, Nuorisotutkimus, Politiikasta.fi, and Versus, 13 February–14 May 2024 (co-producer)
Sweden-Finnish research now – Ruotsinsuomalainen tutkimus nyt – Sverigefinsk forskning nu, a series of monthly evening webinars in Finnish on topical research in Sweden and Finland on the national minority of Sweden-Finns, co-organized by the Archives of the Finnish Minority in Sweden and the Sweden-Finnish Research Network, 2022–2023 (host, producer):
- Linguistic biographies of Sweden-Finns with associate professor Jaana Kolu, University of Eastern Finland, 5 December 2023
- Sweden-Finnishness in the context of migration research with senior researcher Miika Tervonen, University of Helsinki, Finland, 7 November 2023
- Tove Skutnabb-Kangas in memoriam (1940–2023), with colleagues and friends as invited guests, 3 October 2023
- Language contacts between Finnish and Swedish in Haaparanta – Haparanda with doctoral researcher Sivi Järvinen, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 5 September 2023
- The Finnish refugees of the Lapland war in Sweden, 1944–1945 with senior researcher Outi Autti, University of Oulu, Finland, 2 May 2023
- Minorities in two countries: Similarities and differences between Sweden-Finns and Finland Swedes with senior researcher Mats Wickström, Åbo Akademi University, Finland, 4 April 2023
- Three studies on Sweden-Finnish migrants in retrospective with vice chancellor Hanna Snellman, University of Helsinki, Finland, 21 February 2023
- Sweden-Finnish literature – migrant or minority literature? with university lecturer Satu Gröndahl, Uppsala University, Sweden, 7 February 2023
- From language policies to language activism in Sweden with doctoral researcher Lasse Vuorsola, Stockholm University, Sweden, 14 December 2022
- Language revitalization and wellbeing with professor emerita Leena Huss, Uppsala University, Sweden, 1 November 2022
- Studies on Sweden-Finnish dance music in retrospective with professor Pekka Suutari, University of Eastern Finland, 4 October 2022
- Ethnopolitical mobility among Sweden-Finns with postdoc researcher Tuire Liimatainen, University of Helsinki, Finland, 7 September 2022
NordJour2022 pre-conference with a focus on research related to journalism education in the Nordic countries, the Nordic collaboration committee for journalism education, 28 September 2022 (host, producer)
De-westernising media literacy: Perspectives on pedagogies, practices and theories of media education, a webinar series including webinars on media information NordMedia Network, from 27 January to 12 May 2022 (host, producer):
- Media and information literacy in India, 27 January, 2022
- Media and information literacy in Arabic region, 24 March, 2022
- Media and information literacy in Sub-Saharan Africa (incl. pre-launch of the AfroMedia Network), 28 April, 2022
- Media and information literacy in Japan, 31 May, 2022
Keeping up the pace: Media literacy education in an accelerating age, Institution of Communication Studies (ICS), North Macedonia, 3 February 2022 (host)
Re-newing reviewing: New and innovative practices among art critics, a webinar series on art criticism including webinars on inclusion, politics, and economy, Finnish Critics’ Association, Shine on, critique! and Nordicom, 7 October 2021, 10 March 2022, 13 October 2022 (host)
Using social media as a scholar, NordMedia Network, 21 October 2022 (host, producer)
Media and information literacy as a backbone for intercultural dialogue and anti-hate speech, UNESCO, 29 April 2021 (host)
Writing academic book reviews, NordMedia Network, 1 April, 8 April, 15 May, 6 May, 2021 (co-host)
Media literacy in Europe: Country approaches, a webinar series by NordMedia Network (Nordicom) and Media & Learning Association 2021:
- Media literacy in France, 9 June 2021 (co-host)
- Media literacy in Italy, 12 May 2021 (co-host)
- Media literacy in Ireland, 14 April 2021 (co-host)
- Media literacy in Greece, 10 March 2021 (co-host)
- Media literacy in Poland, 10 February 2021 (co-host)
- Media literacy in Croatia, 20 January 2021 (co-host)
- Media literacy in the Baltics, 9 December 2020 (co-host, presenter)
- Media literacy in the Flanders, 4 November 2020 (co-host)
Vad är journalistik? Den svåra frågan för oss som utbildar framtidens journalister [What is journalism? The difficult question for us who are educating future journalists], the Nordic collaboration committee for journalism education, 4 March 2021 (host, producer)
Risky and resilient? Building an academic career, NordMedia Network, 5 February 2021 (host, producer)
Journalistutbildning under coronatiden [Journalism education in the Corona times], the Nordic collaboration committee for journalism education, 15 October 2020 (host, presenter, producer)
Media education in the Nordic countries: Lessons learned from the neighbours, a webinar series by NordMedia Network and the Swedish Media Council 2020:
- Media literacy and marginalized groups, NordMedia Network and the Swedish Media Council, 7 October 2020 (host, producer)
- Early years education and digital media, NordMedia Network and the Swedish Media Council, 30 September 2020 (host, producer)
- Media education for older people, NordMedia Network and the Swedish Media Council, 23 September 2020 (host, producer)
Advancing media literacy research in the Baltic Sea Region, MIL+LAB Project, 26 June 2020 (host, presenter, producer)
Etäohjauksen etäohjausta: kokemuksia harjoittelijoiden ja harjoitteluohjaajien ohjauksesta koronapandemian aikana [Distance supervision of distant supervision: Experiences from interns’ and their supervisors support under the Corona pandemic], the Internship Supervision Network’s webinar at Tampere University, 3 June 2020 (presenter, producer)
Oppeja oikeasta elämästä: toimittajaopiskelijoiden kokemuksia työharjoittelusta [Lessons learned from the real life: Journalism students’ experiences from the internship], 6 October 2014 (host, producer)
The future of #medialiteracy education: creating possibilities to support educators’ lifelong learning (@reneehobbs), understanding the impact of activities (@pmihailidis) and discovering local meanings (@LauriPalsa). Thank you for the panelists for sharing your insights today! https://t.co/Q4q5GNKreW
— Dr. Maarit Jaakkola (@maaritjii) February 3, 2022
Selected invited online keynote talks
Transforming media landscapes: Ethics, innovation, spatiality, and education, a virtual pre-conference workshop to the 10th International Conference on MEDCOM 2024 on AI in academic writing and publishing, Bangkok, Thailand, 3 December 2024
VII International Journalism Forum IFJ24: The future of journalism – Generation of artificial intelligence, hybrid in Kazakhstan, 10 April 2024
Journalism Summit 2024: Seeds of change – Cultivating the future of journalism, hybrid at Rhodes University, South Africa, 5 April 2024
Impetus 2024: Evolution of journalism – Human-centric creativity and technological integration in future media landscape, hybrid in Trivandrum, India, 22 January 2024
Journalism education and innovations: What opportunities exist? Hybrid in Kyev, Ukraine, 29 November 2023
Communication and Media Studies Conference (CMSC) by PACE, hybrid in the Philippines, 19 October 2023
Revitalization of the Finnish language in Sweden, The Museum of Language, the U.S., virtual, 10 October 2023
Transforming Education Summit, a hybrid ministerial event at United Nations Headquarters in New York City, hybrid in the U.S., 17 September 2022
QS Higher Education Summit Europe: Social justice and misinformation, Education Insight, virtual, 8 June 2022
“Methods of fact verification: Tools and strategies for journalists”, the intensive course for journalists Media accountability in the age of social media, virtual, 19 May 2015, Windhoek, Namibia
Selected invited onsite lectures
“Läromedelsproduktion om, för och av den nationella minoriteten sverigefinnar.” Jubileumsseminarium för nätverket NätMin vid Stockholms universitet 5.4.2024. Stockholm, Sweden.
“Artificial intelligence (AI) in the journalism curriculum.” Media literacy: Human condition in the era of artificial intelligence 12.12.2023. Valmiera, Latvia.
“Revisiting the dual-paradigm model of cultural journalism.” Kulturjournalistikk i den digitale offentligheten 9.11.2023. Bergen, Norway.
“Empowering young people as agents of media and information literacy: Experiences from Finland.” UNESCO Feature MIL Conference 24.9.2020. Gothenburg, Sweden.
“Media influencing: How young people become legitimized producers of news journalism.” Nordic-Baltic symposium Youth and news in a digital media environment at the University of Gothenburg, 4.12.2018. Gothenburg, Sweden.
“Grassroots criticism: Exploring the new online forms of ‘criticotainment’.” Public lecture at the summer school Grassroots cultural journalism, Riga Stradins University and Latvian Cultural Academy, 18.7.2016. Riga, Latvia.
“Journalism as a threat: Cultural workers’ critical resistance toward the journalistic ideology.” Liepaja University and Riga Stradins University 06.05.2015. Liepaja, Latvia.
“Key topics in the changing field of cultural journalism in the age of globalization.” Summer school From global to local: Journalism and culture in the age of globalization 16.07.2015. Cesis, Latvia.
“Kulttuurijournalismin muutos suomalaisissa päivälehdissä.” [The change of cultural journalism in the Finnish daily newspapers.] Kulttuuri, hierarkia ja sosiaalinen eriytyminen (KuHiSE) seminar, Department of Social Sciences at the University of Helsinki 16.04.2014. Helsinki, Finland.
“Arts and cultural journalism in context: Changes of journalistic content in Scandinavia 1978–2008.” Summer school Re-thinking, re-mediating, re-making: Cultural journalism in the times of liquid societies 08.07.2014. Riga, Latvia.
“Using social media in teaching journalism: A skill-based approach.” Keynote at EJTA 2014: Impact of social media on journalism and journalism education 22.05.2014. Jyväskylä, Finland.
“Balancing with values: Understanding the change of cultural journalism in Finland.” Lecture series Journalistiske nyorienteringer (journalistic re-orientations) 29.10.2013. Bergen, Norway.
“Toimittajan tutkimuksenlukutaidon ja tieteen popularisoinnin opetus.” [Teaching research literacy and popularisation of science.] Seminar in science communication at Scifest, University of Eastern Finland 18.04.2012. Joensuu, Finland.
Selected conference presentations
(To be updated)
“Professional ethos in flux: Two generation-based professionalisms of cultural journalism in Finland.” Cultural journalism and cultural criticism in the media – current Nordic/European perspectives: The first workshop in the Nordic Network on Cultural Journalism Research (NOS-HS) 09.10.2014. Copenhagen, Denmark.
“Negotiations with new tools: Scaffolding teachers’ self-determined learning in the process of technology adoption.” EdMedia 2014: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology 26.06.2014. Tampere, Finland.
“Revisiting reviewing: Critics as cultural intermediaries and agents of public pedagogy.” ESA-Arts 2014 – Art and its contexts: cross-disciplinary dialogue 04.09.2014. Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
“Searching for transferable skills between journalism training and work life: A skill-based approach to journalist interns’ workplace learning.” Studying journalist interns 28.11.2014. Copenhagen, Denmark.
“Swedish and Finnish journalism students’ news media consumption.” Making journalists through journalism education: Nordic perspectives 24.09.2014. Reykjavik, Iceland.
“Outsourcing the views: cultural expertise, field dualism and the organizational change in cultural journalism.” Nordic Research Network in Journalism Studies 29.05.2013. Stockholm, Sweden.
“Production in periphery: How the professional subcultures of arts journalism conform to journalistic norms and values.” ECREA 2012 – 4th European Communication Conference 26.10.2012. Istanbul, Turkey.
“Less independent but more professional? Constructing an analytic framework for the professionalism of arts journalism.” Matters of journalism: Understanding the professional challenges and dilemmas 15.09.2012. Gdansk, Poland.
“Towards more journalistic journalism: The changing relationship between cultural journalists and the artistic field.” 7th Conference of the European Research Network Sociology of the Arts 06.09.2012. Vienna, Austria.
Other educational onsite keynotes (selection)
“Methods of fact verification: covering disasters with the help of social media.” A lecture at the intensive course for journalists Media in times of crises 13.05.2014. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
“Aihetta huoleen? Kulttuurijournalismin muutos suomalaisissa maakuntalehdissä.” [A reason to be anxious about? The change of cultural journalism in Finnish regional newspapers.] Master class in cultural journalism, Finnish Cultural Foundation 2.9.2013, Tampere, Finland.
“Tekstilaji vai juttutyyppi? Viestintätieteet äidinkielen ja kirjallisuuden opetuksen taustatieteenalana.” [The concept of genre defined by the professionals or by the school? Communication sciences as a contextual discipline for teaching Finnish language and literature.] Theme day for teaching Finnish language and literature 02.03.2013. Helsinki, Finland.
“Vaikuttava verkkoviestintä.” [Influential online communication.] A lecture on intranet and extranet communication for the Tampere university hospital staff 26.3.2012 and 5.10.2012. Tampere, Finland.
“Meemien lumo: mikä nuorten nettimaailmassa on juuri nyt in?” [The charm of memes: What is in right now in the virtual world of the youth?] ITK Online Webinar 13.2.2012.
“Miten vaikutan median avulla.” [How to influence through the media.] Seminar Specialized psycologist as an expert, Department of Psychology, University of Tampere 19.5.2011. Tampere, Finland.
“Nuorilta voi oppia paljon – ratkaisuja sukupolvien välisen digitaalisen kuilun kaventamiseen.” [You can learn a lot from the youth – solutions to bridging the digital gap between generations.] Invited lecture in a seminar on the risks of isolation for the youth by the Prime Minister’s Office, University of Helsinki 20.1.2010. Helsinki, Finland.
“Tehdään tästä julkista! Julkisen kirjoittamisen hyödyt ja kipukohdat.” [Let’s make this public! Benefits and disadvantages of public writing.] Keynote lecture at the Forum for Finnish language and literature teaching (Äidinkielen ja kirjallisuuden opetuksen foorumi) by the Finnish National Board of Education, Helsinki Congress Paasitorni, 5.8.2009. Helsinki, Finland.
“Luokkahuoneen läpinäkyvät seinät: julkisuus haasteena ja kannustimena koulun opetuksessa.” [The invisible walls of the classroom: Public production as a challenge and a tool of motivation in education.] A studia generalia lecture in media education, University of Tampere, Department of Education 28.4.2009. Tampere, Finland.
“Virtuaalielämä vs. tosielämä? Nuorten ja aikuisten käsityksiä netin todellisuuksista.” [Virtual life vs. real life? Conceptions of virtual realities by the youth and adults.] Invited lecture at the seminar Open learning materials, media literacy and the reliability of knowledge (Avoimet oppimateriaalit, medialukutaito ja tiedon luotettavuus), University of Tampere and Tampere E-Learning Cluster, University of Tampere 12.12.2008. Tampere, Finland.